Personal Care

Contact our Manotick office at 613-692-4697 or the Metcalfe office at 613-821-1101 for any more information you require regarding our services.

Foot Care

We offer regular professionally-staffed and convenient Foot Care Clinics to take care of your foot aches, problems and overall maintenance. Booking in advance is required. For more information, please contact the Manotick office at 613-692-4697 or the Metcalfe office at 613-821-1101.


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Equipment Loans

We offer a variety of personal care equipment items for short term use at no cost!

If you or someone you knowrequires the use of a medical item such as a bath bench, walker, commode, bed rail, etc. ROSSS has got your covered. Simply contact us at

Rural Ottawa South Support Services is truly grateful for the generous donations of equipment from community members. To ensure the quality and safety of our items, and due to a limited amount of space, we are only able to accept certain pieces of equipment

No longer need your Equipment?

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Gateway to Care can be your key to staying connected in the community. We believe that fostering an active lifestyle is an important part of a healthy community. Because staying in your home doesn’t mean staying in the house.

Providing a wide range of services including, but not limited to, personal care, yard maintenance, snow removal, house cleaning and respite care. Please call us at 613-692-4697 or email,


ROSSS volunteers are ready and available to assist you in preparing your income tax and benefit return papers. Contact our Manotick office at 613-692-4697 or the Metcalfe office at 613-821-1101